Seminário de Equações Diferenciais – 13/12/2016
Seminário de Equações Diferenciais
Fast energy decay for wave equations with a localized damping in the n-dimensional half space
Prof. Ryo Ikehata
Universidade de Hiroshima, Japão
We consider a mixed problem for wave equations with a localized damping near spatial infinity in the n-dimensional half space. By constructing a new type of Hardy inequality in the whole space via the Fourier transform, we will derive a fast decay rate of the energy to the odd extension of the corresponding solution. In this case we employ a special type of multiplier method combined with the Hardy type inequality.
Dia – Hora: 13/12/2016 – 15h:30m
Local: Sala MTM007 do Depto. de Matemática
E. Krukoski