Colóquio de Matemática – 29/09/2017 14h:00m
Colóquio de Matemática
Ramsey theory and its applications to dynamics
Palestrante: Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (Universität Münster)
Resumo: We discuss the classical Ramsey theorem, the dual Ramsey theorem, and we state a couple of structural Ramsey theorems that concern graphs or trees. We then go on to show how the structural Ramsey theory applies to topological dynamics. We survey the Kechris-Pestov-Todorcevic correspondence between the structural Ramsey theory and universal minimal flows, which we illustrate by many examples.
Dia/Hora: Sexta-feira, 29-09-2017 às 14h:00m.
Local: Auditório da Matemática, sala MTM007 do Departamento de Matemática.
P. Carvalho