Seminário de Equações Diferenciais Parciais – 19-10-2016
Seminário de Equações Diferenciais Parciais
Optimal decay rates and asymptotic expansion of solutions to the linearized compressible Navier-Stokes flow
Dr. Ruy C. Charão
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Resumo: In this work, we are concerned with the a linearized Compressible Navier-Stokes. The main purpose of this report is to announce the exact profile of the velocity v(t;x) when t goes to infinity. To get decay rates we use two methods to work on the low and high frequency zone of the Fourier space. The asymptotic profile in Fourier space of the velocity v(t;x) for the compressible fluid we used to prove the optimality of the decay rate in time to the L2-norm of the velocity. Similar properties to the density were obtained by Ikehata-Onodera in 2016.
Dia – Hora: 19/10/2016 – 15:30 horas
Local: Sala 202 do Departamento de Matemática E. Krukoski
Local: Sala 202 do Departamento de Matemática E. Krukoski