Encontros de Biomatemática – 09/06/2016
Encontros de Biomatemática
Statistical test for a hidden Markov model for nucleotide distribution in bacterial DNA
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Sobottka MTM/UFSC
In this work, we present parameter estimators for a hidden-Markov based model for the distributional structure of nucleotides in bacterial DNA sequences. Such model supposes that the gross structure of bacterial DNA sequences can be derived from uniformly distributed mutations of some primitive genome which is constructed following a ten-parameter Markov process [1].
The proposed estimators can be used to construct a statistical test which indicates if a given DNA sequence can be simulated by the model.
This is a joint work with A. G. Hart (Centro de Modelamiento Matemático, Universidad de Chile) and M. Weber Mendonça (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina). M. Sobottka was supported by CNPq-Brazil grant 455399/2011-5 and by CAPES-Brazil Fellowship.
[1] M. Sobottka and A. G. Hart. A model capturing novel strand symmetries in bacterial DNA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 410, 4, 823–828 (2011).Dia – Hora: 9/06/2016 – 15:30h
Local: sala 302 do Departamento de Matemática UFSC
E. Krukoski