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Seminário de Matemática Aplicada e do GEAM – 17/05/2018 10h:30m

16/05/2018 11:24

Seminário de Matemática Aplicada e do GEAM


Palestrante: RANNIERY MAIA LINSE (Engenharia Elétrica-UFSC)


Resumo: Machine learning is an exciting field, where computers learn to acquire knowledge from data and apply it to the solution of many real-world problems. Image processing, computational biology and natural language processing are just a few examples. The research on machine learning approaches has been boosted recently due to the availability of data and development of computational resources. As a consequence, the performance of many daily used devices and gadgets has been
positively affected by such growing interest.
This talk is divided in three parts. In part one we introduce basic concepts of machine learning. In the second part we give an overview of machine learning techniques with focus on deep neural networks, where the goal is to prepare the audience for what comes next. In the last part we present a case study in which a text-to-speech converter is built from scratch.

Data: Quinta-feira, 17 de maio às 10h:30m
Local: Auditório Airton Silva, sala MTM007 do Departamento de Matemática.


Mais informações <Aqui>


E. Krukoski
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