Colóquio de Matemática – 04/05/2018 14h:00m

02/05/2018 19:14

Colóquio de Matemática

Instability Results for Measure Differential Equations

Palestrante: Claudio A. Gallegos (UNB)

Resumo: In this talk we are interested to present instability results for measure differential equations. At first, we will establish new instability theorems for generalized ordinary differential equations, and after that, using a correspondence between solutions of measure differential equations and solutions of generalized ODEs, we will obtain the desired results.

Data: Sexta-feira, 4 de maio, 14h00m
Local: Auditório Airton Silva, sala MTM007 do Departamento de Matemática.

Maiores informações, no site do colóquio.


E. Krukoski
Tags: Differentialequationsinstability